Wow....I have been very busy. I know I have neglected my blog but I hope to get back on track.
I wanted to share with you guys about a wonderful blogging platform that I have used for the past two years. On Friday I introduced my students to Kidblog. If you haven't checked it out you really should! Last year my students really enjoyed blogging and I could not wait to get it underway this year.
Kidblog is a free, safe, and user friendly blogging platform. Last year I reasearched several blogging sites and even seeked the advise of the technology experts in my county, Kidblog is by far the best platform for students to learn about and experience the blogging world
I plan to use blogging in my class weekly and assign blogging as homework from time to time. This is a great way to have students respond to literature as well as create great conversations among students in a variety of subject areas. Below is a sneak peek at what kidblog looks like. This is a post that I asked my students to respond to.
Last year we blogged alot about our science and social studies topics as well as other subject areas. This platform allows you to add videos, pictures, and links to your blog. This is a great way to have students respond to videos, pictures, or information from a website. I also plan on using blogging to have students explain their thinking. I can see this being a great platform for math discussions. The possibilities are endless!
Kidblog also enables you to add students so they have their own blogs. What I love about this is that you are not asked to give any personal information on the students and Kidblog does not require each student to have their own email address. Below you will see a student blog page. This student decided to post a blog about something he was interested in and then asked a question to encourage conversation among his peers.
In the blog below the student wanted to suggest a book to the class. You will notice that I commented on his post and encouraged him to give additional information about the book.
I hope you get a chance to check out Kidblog and incorporate it into your classroom.
You can learn more about Kidblog HERE.
Second Grade Chatter
Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Exciting News and an Exciting Tool!!!
I just found out that I get to attend The Georgia Educational Technology Conference for three days in November. I am sooo excited!!! It is held in Atlanta and is a great opportunity to find out all the wonderful things that are out there for educators. One of my colleagues went last year and brought back so many wonderful ideas. So today I thought I would share one of those wonderful ideas with all of you. this handy little tool is called linoit. It can be found at It is free and very user friendly. Linoit is a digital online classroom display board where teachers and students can post information on sticky notes. All you need to post to the board is access to the URL. Once you post a sticky it shows up on the board instantly. I utilize this by displaying the board on my big tv and as the students post their sticky notes they are added to the board for the whole class to see. With this tool you also have the capability of embedding videos, web links, and pictures. Click Here for a wonderful article about the many ways to use linoit in the classroom or Here for a quick tutorial, but first read on to see a few ways that I have used it with my students.
During our units on wants and needs I was able to link a brainpop video into my linoit board. The students were asked to click on the link and watch the video. Once they finished the video they went back to the board and posted an example of a want on a yellow sticky and a need on a green sticky. All the students have to do to get to the board is have access to the URL. I usually provided the students with a QR code or a tinyurl so they would not have to spend so much time typing in the link. The students were able to use iPads and Motorola Xooms to post their sticky notes. They were also able to use laptops. To find out more about QR codes and tiny url's please go to one of my previous post. You can find that HERE.
Here I used linoit on the 100th day of school for students to show different ways to make 100. On this board I incorporated clipart.
I was able to create this board to go along with our unit on questioning.
I hope that you all get a chance to check out this wonderful tool. The students love it and it is a wonderful and easy way to incorporate technology in the classroom. this handy little tool is called linoit. It can be found at It is free and very user friendly. Linoit is a digital online classroom display board where teachers and students can post information on sticky notes. All you need to post to the board is access to the URL. Once you post a sticky it shows up on the board instantly. I utilize this by displaying the board on my big tv and as the students post their sticky notes they are added to the board for the whole class to see. With this tool you also have the capability of embedding videos, web links, and pictures. Click Here for a wonderful article about the many ways to use linoit in the classroom or Here for a quick tutorial, but first read on to see a few ways that I have used it with my students.
During our units on wants and needs I was able to link a brainpop video into my linoit board. The students were asked to click on the link and watch the video. Once they finished the video they went back to the board and posted an example of a want on a yellow sticky and a need on a green sticky. All the students have to do to get to the board is have access to the URL. I usually provided the students with a QR code or a tinyurl so they would not have to spend so much time typing in the link. The students were able to use iPads and Motorola Xooms to post their sticky notes. They were also able to use laptops. To find out more about QR codes and tiny url's please go to one of my previous post. You can find that HERE.
Here I used linoit on the 100th day of school for students to show different ways to make 100. On this board I incorporated clipart.
I was able to create this board to go along with our unit on questioning.
I hope that you all get a chance to check out this wonderful tool. The students love it and it is a wonderful and easy way to incorporate technology in the classroom.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Monday Made It and Freebies
I am headed into my third full week of school. I feel like I finally have my schedule down and hopefully this week will go smoothly. Our school is implementing the new Common Core Standards this year so I have been hard at work trying to figure all this out. This week in math I am teaching skip counting within 1000. I created the activity below to work on with my students.
Click Here to download.
I am also teaching how to ask good questions during partner reading. I made these Thick and Thin Question bookmarks as reminders.
Click Here to download
I hope that you all have a blessed Monday!!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Freebie Friday
Wow........Yesterday was just a crazy day!! I am so sorry that I didn't get to link up to Blog Hoppin yesterday for Freebie Friday. I guess it is better late than never.
I have had so much fun with Teacher Week and although I am sad to see it end, I am excited to get started checking out all the great freebies.
I just finished a lesson on NO FAKE READING in the classroom. The students loved this lesson and we had so much fun modeling real reading and fake reading. I created this little sign to post in the classroom as a reminder.
Click the picture below to download
I am also sharing an activity that I created to go along with our place value unit. I used it first as a way to work in a small group with my students as a follow up to our unit. I am now going to use it as a math game.
Click the picture below to download
I am off to check out all the wonderful freebies!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Therapeutic Thursday
I am linking up again with Blog Hoppin for Therapeutic Thursday.
Our family LOVES baseball and we really enjoy watching our boys play!!
My 7 year old!!
My 10 year old!!
We are huge Dawg fans!! Can't wait!!!
We watch every episode of America's Got Talent! My youngest says he wants to be on that show one day!! Lol!!

Okay.......I must admit that we do watch Turtle Man!!! Oh how we laugh during this crazy show!! My boys can imitate him perfectly!!
Gotta love relaxing with some Starbucks!

Last but not least, there is NOTHING better than a good pedi!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Where I Teach Wednesday
I am linking up with Blog Hoppin for Where I Teach Wednesday.
I have had so much fun looking at all your wonderful post for Teacher Week!! I have got some amazing ideas and my to do list just keeps growing. I am excited to share Where I Teach!! I just recently posted my classroom reveal so I thought what better way to show you were I teach than to take you on a tour. I am linking you back to that post so that you can tour my classroom!! Before you tour, I would like to take just a few minutes to brag on my school. I teach at a charter school in Northeast Georgia. Our focus is on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Our goal is to expose our students to many different experiences and give them many opportunities to succeed. I think Howard Gardner said it best.......It's not how SMART your are, but how your are SMART!! We offer a variety of specialty classes to our students. Our specialty classes are things like culinary arts, science lab, golf, tennis, archery, equestrian studies, Spanish, Chinese, baton, high tech literacy, videography, digital photography, and the list goes on and on. Our students absolutely love it and are given so many wonderful opportunities that they might not get otherwise. I love my school and could not imagine working anywhere else!!! Enjoy the tour!!!
I have had so much fun looking at all your wonderful post for Teacher Week!! I have got some amazing ideas and my to do list just keeps growing. I am excited to share Where I Teach!! I just recently posted my classroom reveal so I thought what better way to show you were I teach than to take you on a tour. I am linking you back to that post so that you can tour my classroom!! Before you tour, I would like to take just a few minutes to brag on my school. I teach at a charter school in Northeast Georgia. Our focus is on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Our goal is to expose our students to many different experiences and give them many opportunities to succeed. I think Howard Gardner said it best.......It's not how SMART your are, but how your are SMART!! We offer a variety of specialty classes to our students. Our specialty classes are things like culinary arts, science lab, golf, tennis, archery, equestrian studies, Spanish, Chinese, baton, high tech literacy, videography, digital photography, and the list goes on and on. Our students absolutely love it and are given so many wonderful opportunities that they might not get otherwise. I love my school and could not imagine working anywhere else!!! Enjoy the tour!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Technology Tips Tuesday
I'm linking up over at Blog Hoppin for Teacher Week 2012. Today is Technology Tip Tuesday. This is right up my alley!!! I love technology and could go on forever about it. Don't worry........I narrowed it down to 4 favorites. Well these are my favorites today, but that could change tomorrow.
Tip #1
Tagxedo.......oh, how I love thee!!! This was one of my very favorite sites last year!! With this tool you can create wonderful word clouds in a variety of shapes. You can even upload your own images and have the word cloud form the shape of the image. It is extremely easy to insert words and create in Tagxedo.
Below is an example of two that I did last year. I had all my students write down an adjective about each person in the class. I entered all of them into tagxedo, picked a shape, and voila!!! I framed these and gave them as end of the year gifts.
Tip #2
QR Codes!! I really began utilizing QR Codes in my classroom last year. They are so beneficial and helpful!! I use a QR generator called Kaywa. Here is the link This tool is extremely user friendly. I place QR codes on my newsletter each week for my website, practice sites, research sites, etc. I also have them in my classroom divided into the following categories: Lang. Arts, Math, and Random. They allow students to get to a site quickly and also ensures that they are on a safe and secure site. Here is how I organize them in my classroom.
Tip #3
How many of you have ever wanted to share a link but it was just toooooo long. Well there is a way to make the url shorter and more manageable by using a simple web tool called Tiny URL. It is very user freindly and so so easy to use. Try it out!!
Tip #4
I came across this wonderful interactive hundreds board last year. I absolutely love it. It is very interactive and the kids can get involved by painting in the numbers on the board. My students love it and it really keeps their focus. I decided to make the link into a tiny url to share with you. See I am already using tip #3!!
Well........I'm off to read all your wonderful Technology Tips!!
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